Home World Gaming The Ultimate List – Yu-Gi-Oh Best Decks In The Game

The Ultimate List – Yu-Gi-Oh Best Decks In The Game

img source: netflix.com

I think the ultimate list has been discovered by the internet. It can be found on many top-notch websites, like the ones listed below.

My list of things to do is finally here! As I glide through the summer, it feels like every other day I tell myself, “Just one more thing!” And then that one thing ends up being something that depresses the hell out of me. So I thought it was time for me to finally put together an intrepid list of things to do. So I thought.

Gateway is not really a defined term in Yu-Gi-Oh. This is usually a permanent effect that prevents one or both players from performing certain actions, whether it’s activating monster effects, summoning in a certain way, casting cards, or something else!

Just as in real life a floodgate prevents water from flowing over you, floodgates in Yu-Gi-Oh prevent your opponent from dropping their best cards on you. This is one of the best ways to stop a combo deck and a great way to keep your opponent at bay. So if you want to put some control back into your deck strategy, check out our list of the best decks in the game.

15. Abyss barrier statue (and all barrier statues)

word-image-4466 Barrier statues are a great option for adding doors to your deck – especially if you play Yu-Gi-Oh on a budget. As long as you control a barrier statue with a certain ability, both players can only target and summon monsters with that ability. So if you control a dark-type statue, both players can only summon specifically dark-type monsters. This is a great way to prevent your opponent from intentionally summoning a bunch of monsters in one turn.

However, there are a few things you should keep in mind about these cards: First, make sure you are using a collection that consists mainly of a single attribute. You don’t want to deny yourself access to special calls. Second, make sure your opponent doesn’t have many monsters of this type, otherwise the negation effect will be pretty useless, and he can always summon special monsters anywhere!

14. Gozen Match

word-image-4467 Speaking of cards that work with attributes, Gozen Match is another entry-level card that benefits single-attribute decks. When this card is face up, both players can control only one monster attribute. If they have more than one, they must send the other to the cemetery.

So not only does this card prevent your opponent from summoning other monsters with different attributes during the game, but you can also use this card to destroy your opponent. That’s two great effects in one great trap card.

13. Domain of the True Monarchs

word-image-4468 This goal is pretty specific to monarch decks alone – or at least decks that don’t use an additional deck. As long as you are the only player controlling the summoned Tribute monster (which is very likely in modern Yu-Gi-Oh, since Tribute Summoning is slow compared to most Summoning methods available today), and as long as your Extra Deck is empty, your opponent cannot summon anything from the Extra Deck!

There are so many different strategies to get around the extra bridge. I can’t think of a modern game that doesn’t suffer from this. The only downside is that it’s pretty specific to monarch decks, you’ll have a hard time meeting the needs of this card in any other deck.

12. Error

word-image-4469 The error is an incredibly powerful door if you find the right deck to use it. This continuous trap does not allow any player to add cards from their stack to their hand, except by drawing. Many combo decks in Yu-Gi-Oh require finding key combo pieces in the main deck.

When an error appears on the board, players must quickly look for another strategy – and only the cards in their hand can help them do that! Don’t get me wrong (pun implied and slightly regretted), this card doesn’t just have advantages. You have to play this card in a deck that doesn’t need to play it, otherwise you’re also in a pretty weak position.

11. Anti-magic fragrance

word-image-4470 As a slinger, this card gives me the shivers. …. As long as this trap lies face up on the board, all spells must be rotated before they can be cast. This turns every spell card into a trap card and slows the game to a halt. A good choice if you want to prevent your opponent from playing a lot of enchantment cards in one turn.

And this bridge is great for swing bridges. Pendulum monsters can act as Spell Cards, but cannot be placed in the Pendulum Zone. This means that as long as the Anti-Spell Perfume is on the ground, the Slinger Zones are kind of useless!

10. Ogre of Majesty

word-image-4471 Monster effects become more powerful as new cards become available. Remember when Breaker the Magic Warrior was so good it was limited? Now we have monsters that summon themselves for free, play a ton of cards, and still aren’t on the banned list! (I look to you, great dragon Phantasmai…) If you want a chance to win Yu-Gi-Oh, you have to find a way to counteract these monster effects – and Majesty’s Fiend does just that!

As long as this card is face-up on the field, neither player can activate a monster effect. This is great for games that don’t lean too heavily on effect monsters, like Dark Mages. Because the main monster in this deck is (surprisingly) Dark Mage, which has no effect and is therefore unaffected by these gateways.

9. Secret Wizard Village

word-image-4472 Even though it looks like the coziest forest I’ve ever seen on the Yu-Gi-Oh map, your opponent will want to be as far away from it on the field as possible. This land spell prevents your opponent from activating spell cards as long as you control the caster and they don’t control him.

The chances of you and your opponent playing wizard decks are pretty slim (especially considering there aren’t many wizard decks in the meta right now, although I’d love to see Pendulum Mage in the meta). So you’ll probably get a lot of rejections for this one card. If your opponent wants to overcome this effect, he must defeat all your breaker monsters in battle or destroy your field spell. Both are not always easy.

8. There can be only one

word-image-4473 Before we talk about the amazing effect of this card, let’s take a moment to appreciate the fantastic illustration. That’s what it says: Even if you are the king of mischief, none of us are immune to the awesome power of airport security. This card forces both players to play different types of monsters. And if your opponent has 2 monsters of the same Type, he must send one to the graveyard.

This is very useful if you are using a game that contains different types of monsters. My favorite card game of this type is Earthbound Immortals, also known as the Evil Gods cards from Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds. Plus, there are many other decks that use multiple types as well, so this card deserves attention!

7. Royal Decree

word-image-4474 Trap cards have always been a serious threat in Yu-Gi-Oh. How many of us remember getting the Magic Cylinder in our face and suffering a lot of damage. Or, God forbid, our adversary casts the power of the mirror and destroys all your deserving monsters ….. Royal Decree destroys all Trap Cards at once and cancels all Trap Cards on the field.

This card is basically like Jinzo, but without the risky process of summoning Jinzo! If you know your opponent is using a deck with a lot of traps, this card is the perfect way to stop their strategy. And the King’s Edict is currently unlimited, meaning you can cast it in 3 copies, so you can refuse these traps for as long as you want.

6. Ogre of vanity

word-image-4475 As another powerful Tribute Summoner, this card is pretty much the best version of Majesty’s Fiend. Instead of canceling all monster effects, this prevents the special summoning of monsters. Modern Yu-Gi-Oh is all about the special challenge. Without them, almost every deck in the metagame would fail.

The reason this card is so difficult to cast is that in order to destroy Majesty’s Splitter with removal effects, you would probably have to summon an additional monster from your deck – and you can’t do that! So unless your opponent somehow manages to draw Raigeki by believing in the heart of the cards, he will find himself in complete isolation.

5. Macrocosm

word-image-4476 One of the best ways to deter an opponent is to limit their ability to use the graveyard. Over the course of Yu-Gi-Oh’s development, the graveyard has evolved from a place where used cards end up, to a sort of second hand. There are so many different spells, traps, and monster effects you can use to recycle cards from the graveyard that it’s commonplace these days.

As long as Macrocosm is on the field, any card sent from the field to the graveyard is instead exiled. This prevents your opponent from resurrecting his destroyed monsters. So once they’re gone, they’re gone forever! There are so few cards that can actually recover banned cards (which aren’t there anyway). In this way, the macrocosm becomes an excellent means of extracting resources from the enemy.

4. Drainage skill

word-image-4477 There’s nothing like watching your opponent build a huge board with 5 different monsters from the deck with powerful destruction effects, only to have that bad boy activate at the end of his turn. For the low price of 1000 life points (and it’s not every turn!), you can use Drain Skills to nullify the effects of all area monsters on the field.

This turns all of your opponent’s monsters (and your own) into normal monsters, just like in the good old days of Yu-Gi-Oh! It can also help you monitor your own samples in a very focused way. Personally, I play this card in my Earthbound Immortal deck. All Immortal Earthlings have an effect that allows them to destroy themselves if the field spell fails. With the drain of skills on the ground, they will not destroy themselves. And I can keep my powerful pseudobog cards.

3. Imperial Order

word-image-4478 Remember when the most powerful magic cards in the game were cards like Riss? And the spells have really become incredibly powerful since the early days of Yu-Gi-Oh. Just look at cards like Boat Sector Launch to see how important enchantment cards have become! Therefore, being able to block them from your opponent can be crucial if you want to win the game.

By paying 700 life per turn, you can completely ignore all spell effects on the field. This effect used to be optional (i.e. you could choose how long you wanted to pay Kingdom Order’s cost), but it proved so powerful that this card was banned for many years. Now Imperial Order is back, and you must keep paying as long as this card is on the field and as long as you have enough life points to do so.

2. El Shaddol Winda

word-image-4479 She, Shaddoll Winda, has been playing a lot of Yu-Gi-Oh lately. This card is an incredibly powerful gateway option, and at the same time is very easy to use when you need it. When this card is face-up on the board, both players can perform only one special action during their turn. This means that at best, your opponent can only field 2 monsters, which he will have to use to defeat this mighty monster!

The reason why El Shaddoll Wind is so easy to summon is due to a certain card: Shaddoll Fusion. This powerful fusion card allows you to summon monsters from your deck. So you don’t even have to wait to draw the right samples. In fact, this combo is so easy to pull off that many decks that don’t even play Saddoll monsters use this package anyway.

1. Mystic Mine

word-image-4480 Mystic Mine is without a doubt the best bridge card in the entire game. No other card in Yu-Gi-Oh! can stop an opponent so quickly or stop so many things at once. This is what you get with this card: As long as your opponent has more monsters than you do, all their monster effects are negated and they can’t even declare an attack. This not only means that all of your opponent’s monsters become useless vanilla monsters, but also that they all become useless vanilla monsters that can’t even do damage.

The best strategy with this card is to play it in a deck that has no monsters. For example, play it in 3 copies in a Burn deck, as this will give you crucial time to further damage your opponent and protect yourself from powerful effects and battle damage! This way you always have less monsters than your opponent. And if they don’t have spell/destruction traps in hand, the game is pretty much over.