Home Travel 7 Simple Hacks on How to Overcome Airport Anxiety

7 Simple Hacks on How to Overcome Airport Anxiety

Source: flightcentre.co.uk

In what percentage of your trips and flights do you experience anxiety and nervousness? Maybe it’s the stress of having to recall a billion rules while going through airport security and worrying that your suitcase might contain illegal stuff (which it never does). Maybe you are just an anxious person overall, constantly checking things twice to make sure they’re in order. Despite having flown often, or not, it is still common to get nervous before you take off. If you want to calm yourself down and you’re looking for ways and helpful tips that might help you out, here are some strategies that you’ll find helpful.

1. You can go for early flights

This is one of my favorite strategies to alleviate airport stress, and it has two benefits for your trip. First, it simplifies airport transit. Google your favorite airport to discover more and to take the trip and plan from there.

Mornings are quieter than afternoons, with activity peaking between 9 a.m. and noon. If possible, book early flights and try not to miss them.

Before 9 a.m., you won’t have to fight as many people and won’t be tempted to use your bag as a weapon to get through the busy crowds. Fewer people mean a peaceful airport. Starting early means fewer obstacles and more time to accomplish the work. For most people, it is the best way to start a journey.

2. Rehearse the trip in your head

Source: thatanxioustraveller.com

In order to be prepared for any “unusual” requirements, such as removing your face mask when presenting your driver’s license and boarding pass or removing your shoes at the security checkpoint, it is a good idea to make a mental checklist of the steps you must take from the moment you enter an airport until you board a plane. You can become ready for these processes in advance by packing and organizing your belongings.

You might want to pack your identification documents in a carry-on box that is easy to access and wear shoes with a minimum number of laces, as well as comfy footwear for the best possible experience.

3. Small bag is an essential

One of the airport customs that makes me feel the most anxious is the constant stashing and retrieval of passports and other travel documents.

If security at your airport is exceptionally stringent, having your passport, wallet, phone, and boarding pass in a tiny, readily accessible bag known as a “bum bag” will help you avoid losing them. This bag is lightweight, practical & petite, and often carried by those who love to look stylish and those who are practical when on the go.

In this way, you may swiftly grab what you need without having to worry about holding up the line.

4. Get cozy and comfortable

Source: wanderbig.com

Even if you made it to the airport early for your flight, you still have a long while to kill before you take off, and staring at the gate will do nothing to calm your nerves.

However, by the time early birds get through security, they usually don’t even have gates assigned to them.

What are the next steps?

While waiting for an LED terminal to be assigned, you can do almost everything. Use the airport’s lounge, seek out a sit-down restaurant, or use your own electronic devices to get some work done. People often avoid distractions for fear of missing their flight, even though this is extremely uncommon.

To avoid missing your flight, simply set an alarm on your watch or phone for a few minutes (or hours, if you’re really worried) before boarding time.

5. Avoid alcohol, calm yourself with some tea

If you’re feeling anxious, that complimentary glass of red wine can actually make things worse. Who loves to get drunk during a flight, and who wishes to risk puking or having a hangover all of a sudden? Did you know that according to the Center for the Treatment of Anxiety and Mood Disorders, alcohol can impair cognitive processes and increase anxiety during travel?

When the flight attendants come around, get something water or juice-based to help you stay hydrated. Although they may feel like a good call and just because they are so tempting, they might cost you a lot more than you may think in the long run (headache & stress-wise). This also applies to before-the-flight drinks, not just drinks when on the plane. Calm your nerves with a cup of tea and fully relax knowing that everything will go smoothly and according to plan.

6. Use airport apps to move quickly & swiftly

Source: smartertravel.com

Airports are well aware of the need to alleviate customers’ worries as much as possible; passengers’ apprehension affects airports’ bottom lines, especially if it causes them to stop flying.

They want to use cutting-edge technology to offer a portable solution to your issues. You can find an app for almost any airport on your phone’s app store.

Arrival and departure times, store locations, and parking information will be included.

They usually have an airport map, which is helpful for concerned travelers, since plenty of airports can be confusing to navigate (especially bigger kinds).

7. Get yourself a meet-and-greet service

If you are more of a people person and you enjoy human-to-human contact and interaction, meet and greets may be for you. With this service, you can get a proper cover of your trip from head to toe. Why not enjoy VIP meet and greet service on arrivals, departures, and connecting flights? You will get a greeter who will assist you every step of the way during your journey through the airport. Everything can run super smooth and relaxed + anyone can enjoy this benefit (despite their age, gender, or headed event). As long as your chosen airport has this feature, you can enjoy its benefits. Check out https://usvipservices.com/vip-meet-and-greet-service-at-newark-ewr-airport/ and beat anxiety with the right crew.